Assassination Press

Monday, January 29, 2007

Hillary 4 Prez

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Dear Friend,

Hillary Clinton has the wisdom and experience that our country needs. I’m supporting her presidential campaign and I hope you'll join me in that support at this crucial moment in the campaign. This is a massive undertaking and she needs our help. This will be an historic campaign, I'm asking you to sign up as a supporter.

Early financial support and building a strong base is the key to any successful campaign. Let's show Hillary that we have her back -- make an online contribution or sign up as a supporter today.




My open letter to Hillary Clinton...


I am very excited about your candidacy. I supported President Clinton from the very beginning to the very end and will do so with your bid for the Presidency. I feel that both you and Bill were a great team in the White House once before, I'm certain that you both can make a huge difference if given another opportunity. With your intelligence and compassion, it gives me great hope for our future. And for you to be leading the nation as the first woman President would be an historical moment that would provide us with more choices in the future (regardless of party affiliation). I hope that you bring Bill on the campaign trail and use him to your advantage whenever possible. We all still love that man, regardless of his flaws. His charisma and your presence will energize the nation. I hope that you expand on your ideas for Universal Health Care. I also hope that you provide some hope for "Universal Education" in our Colleges and Universities. To give every person the opportunity to learn and the opportunity to provide them and their families quality health care will make America stronger and better than ever before.

Warmest Regards,


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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

This and That...

I'm baaaaaaaack....

Yes, after a long absence, Assassination Press is going live again.

As your reinvigorated host of the news with nothing to lose (shaken, not stirred of course), I will do my best to disappoint (I mean not disappoint) and provide some "interestingness" that is worth a peek every now and then.

A few notes. "Spin or Spun" is not a live site for me right now. Unfortunately, I got really burned out on the web and development of things old and new. It will be back, but for now I'm just cash parking it. Don't know what cash parking is? You probably don't want to know and if you do you probably already know what it is. And yes, my ad profits still go to HSUS.

I'm trying out the new blogger site. If it sucks, you will be the first to know. If you know and I don't, please let me know.

Okay, if you haven't bookmarked, blogrolled, or linked to AP yet, do it now. Look on the left. I've tried to make it as easy as possible. Feeds are provided as well, although I do appreciate your looking in on my ugly mug every now and then. Read a few posts and decide for yourself. God (or in my case Angelina Jolie) knows the blogosphere has something out there to interest you. I wonder if a blogger types and no one reads does it make a sound?

Every now and then I like to provide a little link to something of interest and value. As a gift for stopping by today, I'd like to share Google Notebook. Wow! Those Google guys are cooking up all kinds of "Googly Goodness" these days (I wish I'd cashed in on that stock a few years back). This thing rocks my world. I love it, chances are you will too. I clip, bookmark, and post all kinds of good things to my notebooks. It is a personal scrapbook and much more. I use it for work and play. Chances are it will help AP become a better blog too. Maybe it will help you.

As was the case before my hiatus (my psychologist prefers I call my "nietzschesqe" descent into madness a hiatus from the real world....don't worry, I brought some of the abyss back for you too), you can send any questions you may have (or can make up) to "Knight's Mailbag". In the past, that mailbag has provided some interesting discussions. I may not be qualified to provide much professional assistance, but I guarantee some interesting answers, advice, or just plain bullshit.

I'd like to leave you with an interesting quote and an upcoming topic that you should check back on...

"Behind every successful man there is a surprised woman. " ~ Maryon Pearson

Now, to edit out all those freaking spam comments this blog has collected over the past year or two...

Angelina Bless!


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