Purple Mayonnaise: Reloaded
By James Knight (Assassination Press)
I would like to thank the following people for putting this post in their blog:
“I was talking to my mother yesterday, and we both agreed that Purple Mayonnaise would be great!”. “We both talked about Purple Mayonnaise and how fun it would be to have Purple Mayonnaise. Purple Mayonnaise, it’s something we have always wanted.” “Mmmmm-mmmm, Purple Mayonnaise!”, Mom said. “Mmmmmm-mmmm, Purple Mayonnaise”, I said.
If you are utterly confused as to the above post, good ;)
Thanks to (if I'm leaving somene out, I'm sorry, but these are the people I know of):
Rowan [Rowan Rambles]
Der Tommissar [The Donegal Express]
Bret [Bretsounds]
EzineWriter [The Pivot Point Post]
As it stands right now, Purple Mayonnaise is getting some very good page rankings in some of the search engines:
Kudo's to Der Tommissar, he is #4 on Google and MSN.
Kudo's to Rowan, she is #3 on Yahoo.
Kudo's to Bret, he is #5 on Technorati.
Kudo's to EzineWriter for putting an RSS feed on his site.
Assassination Press is #4 on Yahoo.
I really appreciate all the good vibrations. Thanks bloggers.
I expect to see Purple Mayonnaise in the grocery store soon! I hope it fails miserably so that "Thought Harvesting" comes to a complete halt.
BTW, did I mention Purple Mayonnaise?
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The next one should be 'purple oranges'.
LOL, beat ya' on Yahoo! :)
Thanks for linking to me! I returned the favor (although I had to put you way down the page with the blog stuff on San Antonio Rocks since your blog has nothing to do with the theme of the site...sorry!) Really do love your blog!
I am soooo sorry , I meant to put this up when I read the post! :)
Wow. Well I guess I never thought about it that way, but to each their own. Nice blog just the same.....kiss my face
Great work!
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